2024 Holiday Guide: Getting Prepared for Q4

Your Pre-Q4 Checklist

Have you implemented the following tactics into your brand strategy for this holiday season? We made the list so that you can check it twice.

✅ Leverage and optimize mobile.

Use tools like Google Mobile-Friendly Test for site responsiveness, personalize push notifications with OneSignal, and integrate mobile payments (Apple Pay, Google Wallet).

✅ Offer online chat support.

Launch online chat support by choosing a platform (Zendesk Chat, Intercom, Drift), training staff, setting hours, promoting the feature, personalizing interactions, and integrating it into holiday marketing.

✅ Ensure a seamless shopping experience.

With intuitive product filters, responsive design, and curated gift guides for various occasions.

✅ Consider new ways to improve your customer experience.

What are your customers looking for this holiday season? A personalized experience, small business feel, or efficiency in time for the holidays? Understand your audience and map your brand strategy to their unique consumer mindset.

Plan for an Extended Holiday Season

Over the last few years, the holiday shopping season has started as early as October. While we expect this trend to continue in 2024, the presidential election will delay the expected spike in demand by at least a week.

As mentioned in our previous holiday guide, investing in brand awareness early is crucial to earning shopper consideration before the peak period of Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Holiday spending will peak at the end of November, but consumers will continue spending in December - roughly 20% of all holiday spending will take place in the 10 days leading up to Christmas.

2024 Holiday Creative Success Pillars

🎨 Diversified Creative

Produce diverse holiday ad creative in a variety of formats, with messaging that aligns with your audience’s values and behaviors.

Center your messaging around promotions, product availability, convenience, and quality. Plus, leverage generative AI to aid in the creative ideation process.

🗣️ Values & Promotions

Emphasize value amid economic uncertainty by maintaining competitive prices. Consider promoting Buy Now, Pay Later programs, which continue to gain in popularity.

📑 Transparency

Transparent communication is crucial for building brand trust amid consumer scrutiny and poor customer experience. Be upfront about shipping timelines and clearly communicate product expectations and quality.

📈 Trending Products

Ensure that your ad creative represents popular and most-loved seasonal products. In 2024, top gifts will include gourmet snacks, chocolate and candy, specialty coffee and tea, baked goods, “you-pick” gift cards, tech gadgets, stylish home decor, and eco-friendly products.

Authors: Lola Behrens, Natalia Fernandez, Katie Scott, Lucy McQueen, Emily Graves, Kevin Goodwin

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