Digiday: Kevin Goodwin on the Platform Winners of 2023


  • Kevin Goodwin


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*The following is a summary of an article originally published by Digiday on December 29th, 2023.

SEATTLE, WA - 2023 was a year of both growth and tumult for platforms. TikTok led the pack through continuous innovation, and smaller platforms like LinkedIn and Pinterest got ahead by leveling up their advertising services. On the other end of the spectrum lies Twitter/X, which steadily unraveled throughout the year, driving advertisers away from its platform.

Kevin Goodwin, VP of Strategy at New Engen, spoke with Digiday about TikTok’s success in 2023:

TikTok is an innovation machine. Every week we get a note about a new feature or product they’re rolling out, so there’s always something new to experiment with. This has really driven adoption and interest. It’s the number one platform clients bring up, even if it makes no sense for their business from an audience perspective — which tells me TikTok must be doing something right.
Kevin Goodwin, VP of Strategy

Read the full article on Digiday.

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  • Kevin Goodwin


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